Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts



Talk about physical health can not be separated from this one thing. Namely, sleep. Sleep is everyone's need. But there is one sleep habit that you should leave now. Is that? Sleep in the morning. Namely sleep the morning before 11:00 noon. This habit is quite dangerous because it can interfere with your health.

1. Disorders of the Metabolism of the Body, According to health experts, the habit of sleeping early in the morning after staying up all night (because of patrolling or watching the ball) can cause metabolic disorders. In the morning when the body should receive energy intake from food through the breakfast routine, the body sleeps. This can disrupt the body's metabolic system so that it experiences an imbalance. This can continually result in obesity and overweight problems.

2. Overweight Body, the Overweight factor said earlier is one of the effects of sleep habits in the morning. Obesity or obesity can be the forerunner to other dangers arising because the risk carried by obese people is higher than those with ideal body weight. Especially the risks that usually threaten children at a young age.

3. Sluggish and Lustful Body. Sleeping habits in the morning significantly affect your body's fitness. Usually, the body will suddenly lethargic and not excited about carrying out daily activities. This happens because the energy in the body cannot be managed properly due to metabolism in the body that is disturbed.

4. Headaches. The effect of times felt after sleeping in the morning is a headache which is usually quite annoying. This is caused by cerebrospinal fluid flowing into the brain, causing unbearable headaches. This pain can even be felt all day and very disturbing your important activities.

5. Triggers Diabetes. This diabetes occurs when the body has difficulty controlling blood sugar due to the disrupted metabolic effects. This is often not realized by young children. But when the blood test results show positive diabetes, you start looking for the cause of the problem. For those who have diabetes, it will also cause the body to become drowsy, especially in the morning. This is caused by low insulin production which makes the body unable to convert glucose or blood sugar into energy. The body that has no energy will naturally be lethargic and sleepy, including in the morning.

6. Risk of Heart Disease. Heart disease, according to a study published in the journal titled Nurses Health Study, was carried out involving 72 thousand women. The results of this study are, if women sleep too long or are accustomed to doing it until the morning, then the risk for heart disease can increase up to 38 percent higher. Metabolic disorders are suspected to have a significant effect on heart and blood vessel health. Well, this is the data obtained from research on women. However, for men, this can also be the same. Surely this will not happen if you begin to pay attention to a healthy lifestyle continuously.

7. Depression. Physically and psychologically, people who often stay up late at night have special characteristics that are easily seen. If physically can be seen from obesity or obesity then psychologically will appear in some disorders such as depression, irritability, and several other mental disorders. This can lead to more serious health hazards sooner or later.

8. Anemia. The disruption that you can experience if you sleep in the morning is anemia. Anemia not only causes the body to become lethargic but can also affect the condition of your organs and other tissues massively and thoroughly.

From now on let us avoid the bad habit of sleeping in the morning. The trick is to ensure adequate and quality night sleep. This means we pay attention to healthy sleep patterns that are recommended by doctors and other health experts. It may be useful. (Nanang Hanif)


How to deal with groundwater crisis, One Building 100 Holes Biopori

The issue of the groundwater crisis in some countries may have very serious. Experts have been many who speak a variety of theories about the causes of the destruction of ecosystems and others that threaten the city. Almost everything is correct and all countries should begin to take seriously. Just imagine if our city is sinking? Who dizziness.

What most concerns me is all about making holes Biopori program sponsored student IPB (Bogor Agricultural University) in Indonesia recently. This idea was very clever. I applaud for the inventor. When the backup is saving rainwater in the soil, it will create a rich soil with water. While the problem of flooding at least is reduced because of rain sent by God from the heavens that do not directly flow into the sea. But get into the pores of the soil, store it and keep up the groundwater.Below useful to discuss the problem of groundwater in major cities:

1. Create some sort of government regulations on the manufacture of 100 holes Biopori for each building and offices in major cities. Give strict sanctions on owners who violate building.

2. The existence of control and maintenance of Biopori.

3. The government to give clean water for consumption buildings (not from groundwater) are cheaper. Eg from rivers that are still clean.

4. Make at least 5 holes Biopori for each residence.

5. Stop the excessive using groundwater by building and offices.

6. Stop all of the construction of buildings, skyscrapers and shopping malls in water catchment areas.

7. Create artificial lakes in urban centers.

8. Get even more city parks are not neglected. Please fix all the damage that has existed parks and planted again with new trees.

9. Do a demonstration, manufacture, and socialization regularly about the importance of Biopori in agencies, schools, and offices.

10. Involve all elements of society to continue to keep the Earth from all threats and damage to nature.

 Biopori made as water catchment’s as well as tilling the soil (image source:

For those who do not know about making Biopori catchment’s Water Hole, the following tips:
1. Creating a cylindrical hole in the ground with a diameter of 10-30 cm and a depth of 30-100 cm and 50-100 cm spacing between holes.

2. The mouth of the hole can be reinforced with cement 2 cm thick and 2-3 inches wide and provided security so that no small children or people who fall.

3. The whole is filling with organic waste such as leaves, kitchen waste, tree limbs, junk food kitchen non-chemical, and so on. The trash in the hole will shrink so it needs to fill again at the end of the dry season and will be drained as a compost.

4. The number of holes Biopori existing large and small calculated based on rainfall, the rate of water infiltration and areas that do not sink in the water with the formula = rainfall intensity (mm / h) x wide field of waterproof / rate of water absorption by holes (liters/hour).

If you are supporting you to save our beloved earth with what we can. Please, you to try it and together we save the earth.



Healthy Living Solution with Herbal Medicine

Currently the rush and routine of urban life tend to always demanded fast-paced and instant. In all respects, including health matters a lot more people feel enough with modern medicine, which often carry side effects that may be distemper itself in the long term. We even started to forget things that are natural or herbal thing. We consider the drug from the doctor has enough to meet the needs of our bodies. That we actually understand less that there is still a relatively safe alternative to medication if taken continuously. We forget that at its core HERBAL TREATMENT bring more natural formula that is relatively safe if we use in the long term.

Now, we can look back on the benefits of herbal remedies that can give us a good immune system. We can start now. When we feel our body feels weak, for example, we do not have to directly take the medicine power adder. We’re pretty traditional tonic drink that is not less beneficial for our consumption. We can visit stores herbal medicine who knows better and cheaper. Because all of us know that the cost of modern treatment is very expensive. Hopefully this article can be a solution to all of you. May we all stay healthy and be active as usual.