Showing posts with label Go Green. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Go Green. Show all posts


How to deal with groundwater crisis, One Building 100 Holes Biopori

The issue of the groundwater crisis in some countries may have very serious. Experts have been many who speak a variety of theories about the causes of the destruction of ecosystems and others that threaten the city. Almost everything is correct and all countries should begin to take seriously. Just imagine if our city is sinking? Who dizziness.

What most concerns me is all about making holes Biopori program sponsored student IPB (Bogor Agricultural University) in Indonesia recently. This idea was very clever. I applaud for the inventor. When the backup is saving rainwater in the soil, it will create a rich soil with water. While the problem of flooding at least is reduced because of rain sent by God from the heavens that do not directly flow into the sea. But get into the pores of the soil, store it and keep up the groundwater.Below useful to discuss the problem of groundwater in major cities:

1. Create some sort of government regulations on the manufacture of 100 holes Biopori for each building and offices in major cities. Give strict sanctions on owners who violate building.

2. The existence of control and maintenance of Biopori.

3. The government to give clean water for consumption buildings (not from groundwater) are cheaper. Eg from rivers that are still clean.

4. Make at least 5 holes Biopori for each residence.

5. Stop the excessive using groundwater by building and offices.

6. Stop all of the construction of buildings, skyscrapers and shopping malls in water catchment areas.

7. Create artificial lakes in urban centers.

8. Get even more city parks are not neglected. Please fix all the damage that has existed parks and planted again with new trees.

9. Do a demonstration, manufacture, and socialization regularly about the importance of Biopori in agencies, schools, and offices.

10. Involve all elements of society to continue to keep the Earth from all threats and damage to nature.

 Biopori made as water catchment’s as well as tilling the soil (image source:

For those who do not know about making Biopori catchment’s Water Hole, the following tips:
1. Creating a cylindrical hole in the ground with a diameter of 10-30 cm and a depth of 30-100 cm and 50-100 cm spacing between holes.

2. The mouth of the hole can be reinforced with cement 2 cm thick and 2-3 inches wide and provided security so that no small children or people who fall.

3. The whole is filling with organic waste such as leaves, kitchen waste, tree limbs, junk food kitchen non-chemical, and so on. The trash in the hole will shrink so it needs to fill again at the end of the dry season and will be drained as a compost.

4. The number of holes Biopori existing large and small calculated based on rainfall, the rate of water infiltration and areas that do not sink in the water with the formula = rainfall intensity (mm / h) x wide field of waterproof / rate of water absorption by holes (liters/hour).

If you are supporting you to save our beloved earth with what we can. Please, you to try it and together we save the earth.



Go Green!

Look at that tomato plants have been planted. I have been planting crops in pots in front of the house. Looks hanging fruit! Imagine if every house could familiarize themselves with planting fruit trees or whatever. Certainly would look cool, green and refreshing. Various plants and planting fruit we can if only in a pot, but it definitely means a lot. We often see many people let their vacant land without any planting. Though this earth is really needed more oxygen. Meanwhile, we are often reluctant to ruin it and improve air quality and our environment. What will happen if our planet is getting hotter? Surely we too will feel the inconvenience.
(SN Hakim)


Planting Trees to Save the Earth

If you think for one year, please sowing the seeds. If you are thinking ten years ahead, plant a tree.

The sentence above is a wise Chinese proverb that has been around since 500 years before Century. In days past it was very well aware of the importance of trees. It is arguably ironic, because at that time, the number of trees that cover the earth’s surface relatively more from now. Also, the level of development that causes the pollution is still not as high as today. However, the presence of a tree is well aware of its benefits, reflected in the wise words above.
Let us be a bit thoughtful. Why is a tree that was so important, to the extent seen as “adequate provisions” to live the next ten years? The answer is none other is because a tree is not able to provide many benefits. In the past, the tree is a provider of shelter, food, and firewood for people. Now, at times more complex forms of life, the role of trees were also growing. Here are some reasons why the tree is very useful for human life.

1. Reducing the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect caused by CO2 gas pollutants that escape into the air and accumulates in the atmosphere. Tree is a “glutton” CO2 is greedy.

2. Improving the quality of ground water. Trees reduce surface runoff (run-off), because the roots absorb water that falls to the ground. More water is absorbed into the ground means more opportunities to improve the quality and quantity of ground water. This also reduces ground water contamination by chemicals in the soil surface.

3. Trees clean the air we breathe. Dust particles, CO, SO2, and other pollutants-pollutants will be absorbed by the plants so we can breathe better air quality.

4. Dry and hot air can be overcome by planting trees. The trees will add to the humidity of the atmosphere and could ultimately reduce water consumption (eg for watering the plants).

5. Reduce soil erosion, especially on sloping land. When rain falls, the tree roots will absorb water. If nothing is absorbed, the water that flows in the surface layer of soil will be brought along, especially the fertile topsoil.

6. If calculated on the whole, the trees that grow in a city can be “cool” cities. Cities are heat islands (heat island) where the temperature 5-9 degrees higher than sub-urban areas. And every year, the city tends to expand into suburban areas. Thus, heat islands are created in the long run bigger.

7. The trees are planted near bodies of water to prevent silting of water bodies and refinement.

8. Conditions of urban slums and arid can be improved by planting trees and a garden city.

9. Reduce stress. Having tired of working all day? Perhaps very convenient if when he got home we were greeted by a beautiful green garden.

10. Earth hotter conditions, apparently also affects the temperament of people who increasingly hard and brutal. This primarily occurs in urban areas that are having fewer wooded area. Trees can provide an environment which is more cool, comfortable and relaxed. This condition is psychologically will help “cool” urban human temperament.

11. Planting trees and shrubs will significantly reduce noise pollution, especially for homes located on the edge of a busy highway.

12. Trees are also potentially producing a gentle breeze from the leaves which gives the effect of friction comfortable for the occupants of the house.

13. The image of the tree canopy can reduce the effects of glare from the road and car park plus make it cooler.

14. Leaf litter falling tree when mildew and rot will form a fertile layer of humus soil and improve quality of growing media for plants.

15. By planting trees, you pass something meaningful for your children and grandchildren.


Global Warming

In February there was rain, but the temperature was hot! Oh my God, it seems the global warming phenomenon is sweeping the earth. The proof we often experience erratic heat. Weather turns unpredictable. Is this phenomenon feared by many experts? The high rainfall is erratic, for example. When an area is flooded, in other areas instead of water even drought. This is what we feared. Could humans can prevent this problem in a more natural and proper good?

The phenomenon of the melting of glaciers in the north and south poles could be attention. As sea levels rise, and drowned lowland what our earth’s fate? All the signs of this nature must be a serious concern. Not just lip service at the seminars. But a serious effort to save the earth and life. So that this planet remains comfortable to live up to our children and grandchildren someday. What we attempt to avoid the worst impacts of global warming? What should we do today to beloved earth?