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How to deal with groundwater crisis, One Building 100 Holes Biopori

The issue of the groundwater crisis in some countries may have very serious. Experts have been many who speak a variety of theories about the causes of the destruction of ecosystems and others that threaten the city. Almost everything is correct and all countries should begin to take seriously. Just imagine if our city is sinking? Who dizziness.

What most concerns me is all about making holes Biopori program sponsored student IPB (Bogor Agricultural University) in Indonesia recently. This idea was very clever. I applaud for the inventor. When the backup is saving rainwater in the soil, it will create a rich soil with water. While the problem of flooding at least is reduced because of rain sent by God from the heavens that do not directly flow into the sea. But get into the pores of the soil, store it and keep up the groundwater.Below useful to discuss the problem of groundwater in major cities:

1. Create some sort of government regulations on the manufacture of 100 holes Biopori for each building and offices in major cities. Give strict sanctions on owners who violate building.

2. The existence of control and maintenance of Biopori.

3. The government to give clean water for consumption buildings (not from groundwater) are cheaper. Eg from rivers that are still clean.

4. Make at least 5 holes Biopori for each residence.

5. Stop the excessive using groundwater by building and offices.

6. Stop all of the construction of buildings, skyscrapers and shopping malls in water catchment areas.

7. Create artificial lakes in urban centers.

8. Get even more city parks are not neglected. Please fix all the damage that has existed parks and planted again with new trees.

9. Do a demonstration, manufacture, and socialization regularly about the importance of Biopori in agencies, schools, and offices.

10. Involve all elements of society to continue to keep the Earth from all threats and damage to nature.

 Biopori made as water catchment’s as well as tilling the soil (image source:

For those who do not know about making Biopori catchment’s Water Hole, the following tips:
1. Creating a cylindrical hole in the ground with a diameter of 10-30 cm and a depth of 30-100 cm and 50-100 cm spacing between holes.

2. The mouth of the hole can be reinforced with cement 2 cm thick and 2-3 inches wide and provided security so that no small children or people who fall.

3. The whole is filling with organic waste such as leaves, kitchen waste, tree limbs, junk food kitchen non-chemical, and so on. The trash in the hole will shrink so it needs to fill again at the end of the dry season and will be drained as a compost.

4. The number of holes Biopori existing large and small calculated based on rainfall, the rate of water infiltration and areas that do not sink in the water with the formula = rainfall intensity (mm / h) x wide field of waterproof / rate of water absorption by holes (liters/hour).

If you are supporting you to save our beloved earth with what we can. Please, you to try it and together we save the earth.
