Showing posts with label Flower. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flower. Show all posts


The Beauty Flower



Go Green!

Look at that tomato plants have been planted. I have been planting crops in pots in front of the house. Looks hanging fruit! Imagine if every house could familiarize themselves with planting fruit trees or whatever. Certainly would look cool, green and refreshing. Various plants and planting fruit we can if only in a pot, but it definitely means a lot. We often see many people let their vacant land without any planting. Though this earth is really needed more oxygen. Meanwhile, we are often reluctant to ruin it and improve air quality and our environment. What will happen if our planet is getting hotter? Surely we too will feel the inconvenience.
(SN Hakim)


Amazing Giant Flowers of Indonesia

The presence of a rare flower in Sumatra and Kalimantan (Borneo), Indonesia was the main attraction. Flowers are a characteristic odor, people even called carrion flower. However, seeing a very large size makes a lot of people interested to see it directly.

Padma giant (Rafflesia arnoldii) are obligate parasites of plants known for having very large flowers, even the largest flower in the world. He grew up in vines network (liana) Tetrastigma and do not have leaves that can do not photosynthesis. This plant is endemic on the island of Sumatra, particularly the southern part (Bengkulu, Jambi and South Sumatra). Kerinci Seblat National Park is the main conservation area of this species. This species, together with other members of the genus Rafflesia, threatened status due to massive deforestation. On the island of Java to grow only one type of parasite padma, padma Rafflesia.

Flowers are not root parasites, leafless, and is not stemmed. While blooming flower diameter can reach 1 meter weighing about 11 kilograms. Flowers inhale inorganic and organic elements of the host plant Tetrastigma. The only part that could be called “plant is a network that grows on vines Tetrastigma. Flowers have five petals that surround a part that looks like the mouth of a barrel. At the bottom there is interest as part of the barbed plate, containing the stamens or pistils, depending on the sex of flowers, male or female. Animal pollinators are flies attracted by the stench of interest incurred. Interest only about one week old (5-7 days) and then wither and die. Very small percentage of fertilization, because the male flowers and female flowers rarely bloom at the same time in a week, if there are flies that come fertilize.

For 200 years plants of the genus are classified Rafflesiaceae difficult because the characteristics of the body that are not public. Based on the DNA research by botanical experts at Harvard University recently, rafflesia incorporated into the family Euphorbiaceae, a family with rubber trees and cassava. But this is still not well-publicized.

You are interested to see the flowers RAFLESIA? Please come to Indonesia! (Nanang Hanif)


ENJOY THE BEAUTY OF CHERRY BLOSSOMS: Cherry Blossoms, the Beauty of Japanese

Getting to know Japan maybe we’ll remember about anime, cherry blossoms, Japanese food, and other things. Japan offers a lot of peculiarities that exist. In the spring we are going in droves to witness the blooming cherry blossoms. Of natural beauty are hard to find in other countries. All who have ever been there will tell you the beauty of the country’s sunrise.

Picnic in the spring in Japan is the thing that should not be missed. What crazy is that many people willing to sleep all night in the open in order to place lots of people snatched no picnic the next day! Who quickly he will be able to place that we like.

Spring is one of the most beautiful seasons in Japan, because all of Japan decorated with blossoming flowers Sakura. These places are beautiful in spring gardens, areas along the river bank, and the objects of tourism. Wonderful event that only comes once a year it was used by the Japanese people to go picnic under the sakura trees, known as Hanami.

After the winter gradually ended, temperatures gradually warmed. The sun was warm in the spring, despite the cold wind still forcing people to wear warm clothing. It’s known, is sometimes still 10 degrees Celsius! Prepare everything before your picnic to Japan. Hopefully your picnic in Japan can be enjoyed. (Syerif Nurhakim)