Showing posts with label My thought. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My thought. Show all posts


Scavenge Diamonds among the Trash-Garbage

How we live is filled with useless stuff. Probably, not completely useless, because it could be the stuff is useful, but we do not yet know how to use it, when to use, and when we take advantage of it all. All around us piled items we consider important initially, but over time he was routinely ignored. We are preoccupied by the time so we aim to take advantage of it all becomes more distant and unattainable. We are busy with new things more attention. We are more interested in new things to our room; our house was eventually filled by all the “garbage” that disturbs the eye.

So, how about our minds? We are planning something, we collect it, but we are always busy and more attracted by new things to our original plan ignored. As if the old is not considered important.

Time and chance collide with each other and our speed is still a human being wingless. We remain a man who often procrastinate opportunity. While the time still running and was never suspended. (SN Hakim)


The Secrets of Life

Do you know, human job like a boat carrying passengers to a destination city. And people should be able to bring the boat safely to the destination. But who thought that the boat trip will experience a variety of events. Both events are visible and the invisible. There are many issues that arise such as wind storms, big waves, or the lack of supplies. And it of course requires completion. Although not everything in this life can be resolved. There are many mysteries in the way that need to be solved.

Look at the sky. Was he just a mere stretch of empty space? Of course is not. There is a lot we do not know. In addition, to what we have learned before. So does this life. Anything has not been seen in our lives? What are the unsolved mysteries? What are the secrets in this life that has not been exposed? Who can reveal. Can we disclose it? (Syerif Nurhakim)


Chinese New Year

Very soon in some parts of the world the Chinese people will celebrate the Chinese New Year. Chinese New Year is the most important festival for Chinese people to welcome the new year in Chinese calendar. Chinese calendar divides the orbit 12 years and called the name of the animal blessing. Chinese New Year symbolizes the beginning, the starting point in the fate and life. Before the day of the new year begins, a far relatives will come back together. The house will be washed and all debts quoted or paid so they do not always surrounded by debt throughout the new year.

Chinese New Year is not only celebrated by the Chinese in the world equally, even celebrated by the nations share of Korea, Vietnam, Mongols, and Miao (Hmong China) are influenced by China in terms of culture and religion, then helped put on the Chinese calendar.

Burned firecrackers at midnight to mark the beginning of a new year and to dispel bad luck or disaster. The houses decorated with fruit juice as a cheap symbol of sustenance, interest, principal and lime.

Chinese New Year is celebrated will feast with yee sang and the basket cake. The family will feast with traditional dishes like duck meat, smoked meats, sausages, sticky rice cake, mandarin and lime. The young group also visited classes to parents and receive ang pau money in a red envelope to symbolize good fortune, which was given by people who told their families that are still not married. Carnival dragon or lion dances will be held, with ornate carriage accompanied by the sound of the drum. Fifteen days after the Chinese New Year celebration, the celebration of Chinese New Year celebration will be closed with Chap Goh May. Happy Chinese New Year celebration for those of you who celebrate it. Hopefully next year everything is full of advantages and good luck doubled.


What do People Look at New Year Party?

Events turn of the year around the world almost always made fun. Various performances and events created just for enliven the party. Ornaments, flowers, gifts, trinkets, party, fireworks, horns, and so expensive and glamorous. All those invited to celebrate though not understand anything about the new year. New Year party to be obliged and looked forward to. Everyone meets the city. Creating extraordinary crowd. In fact, we actually have a big loss. Millions and millions of dollars spent on useless party. While far away, in the corners of the poorest countries, there are our brothers who do not share our fate. They were hungry, cold, malnutrition, disease outbreaks affected. Is there any concern for human beings in this world to immediately stop all the vanity and extravagant life so far? Is this the end of the human form this time? As the new year more elements of harm and futility. (By Syerif Nurhakim)

Writing for Life

by Syerif Nurhakim

Writing a book to open the horizons of thought.
Droplet of science to relieve thirst.
A line of words to remind the forgotten.

Learning and Proceed
What we work hard, if we can not see the results? Process is important and equally important results. Hence work with the maximum. Love the honesty and modesty in word and language processing.

That boredom is always there. Moreover, if we are on the side of injustice. But the struggle is not over just because we crushed one of two problems. Live for today and tomorrow.

Skill in control can be one of the key. The rest is the intelligence to read the environment and opportunity. Not only silent, but also moving forward. Moving fast is not in a hurry. Without much reason to stop wearing learn and try. Do not take refuge from the failure and inferiority. Turn spirit to fight.

Why should Sweating?
If you do not want to sweat better soak in the well. Sweat is healthy. People often go out to work in sweat. And what about writers? Yes could be sweating when he worked in a room without air conditioning.

We do need to sweat. To rid the body of toxins and substances that are not useful. Including the work of our toxins out of laziness that descend this body.

A writer must to sweat to chase deadlines, good writing, and money. Who does not need any money? So when you are asked why you want to write. Say what you want to say your conscience. And maybe one of them to get money. It’s not wrong. Absolutely not wrong.

Writing Short Words
Speak to a brief and clear. Including when you write something. Loss of our long talk, but talk to people who do not understand anything.

Childhood, The Gold Imagination

By Syerif Nurhakim

I felt like much longer to be a child. But God gave me the time to browse time. That the world is having more variety and wide range of excitement. Not just playing around in joy narrow and short, but an important search of life.

Living in the minds of children often gave the impression that cheerful, happy, and colorful. Actually, so did the adult mind. Adult mind almost cover all of childhood experiences, excitement and sensations built probably in maturity. Although the level of childish in different adult each person.

This is what makes the writer think; why not maximize the adult nature of boyish positively to something more useful things. If a child has the imagination of gold, then the adults may have the intelligence of a better imagination, or even more intelligent. But how adults smart to build it in a fair and balanced.

This is the task of building the soul, including the writer who always longed for her childhood imagination is always stored carefully in mind. Are like a sophisticated computer that can record and called all the memory stored in the folders of his life.

So, what is needed to store all the childhood memories of it? There are many ways to save it. There was a diary, a photograph, there are toy trinkets of the past, whatever the medium or long as it can provide a sharp memory of our experiences in the past. And a good writer he would write a biography about him or make a long article about what occurred in the head. So every day he was doing, so he was able to remember what had happened in his life.


My Sweet Home

By: Syerif Nurhakim

Every person in the world may be dreaming of a comfortable place to rest, sleep, shelter from the heat, rain and cold weather. A place to stay for the shelter, called home. There were moments in which the birds have returned to the nest, there are moments in which the children of men have gathered together the warmth of his parents, both men also need homes.

A home requires a solid earth to support the building located on it. Every inch of land is the foundation for the existence of a house that will be built. Choice of good soil quality becomes the main condition for the convenience to be able to stay and settle, including preparing the structure of anti-earthquake, floods, and fires for example.

Humans settle down, grow, reproduce, distribute offspring, preserving the tradition, started from a house. The various forms and houses owned by men. Every dream may be born of the tiny house in a narrow room, or perhaps from an old shack that was rotten, and must be torn down because of dangerous owners. May even be life originated from building a comfortable stately palace.

Many dreams are not simply occurred despite living in permanent homes. Perhaps some people to dream they are no longer capable. Having a house like a bedtime story. Tales may never be carried in a dream, because it was imagined very expensive, let alone have it.

Then, how is that house prices? It relatively! Depends! Yes, depending on how we can buy it and not from the model and type what we want.. Because the desire is often not in accordance with reality.

Why? Why do some of us work hard for years to get home? And the house was never owned? Is not there an easier way, faster, and it makes sense just to get a standard home, without waiting for the time wasted for too long? Or wait for gray hairs grow evenly in our heads?

The human need for housing people forced to work hard, completing tasks for some bills and save it. And while waiting for a miracle, the humans were still not able to have her own house. Unlike the ants that live in their colony has been able to build sufficient self-protection under the ground safely. So people who in fact is more civilized than ants will be subject to applicable laws in the community. He needs a certificate, land use rights, and so on. If not there's any one time so be prepared our favorite house was suddenly demolished or fallen in the polemic disputes very unpleasant. So, if the house has not been ideal, be patient for rent or maybe bum with siblings, relatives or perhaps with someone else. And if you can sorry-sorry, this should not happen, people have lived under a bridge, under a very shabby and inhumane.

The instinct to have a decent house to intercept when all the necessities of life so expensive and almost bought. Some people will delay his fantasy dream house it. Trying to enjoy what is there, hoping God entrusts the key one of the houses in the residential real estate to us.

Okay if we are jealous. Perhaps jealous of the current state of the world.. The world can not "bear" of a house, and then distributed to no avail to any person who "cried" because of the rain and heat. This world is not free.. This world is to be purchased with "something" that we do not have (read: money). Because humans do not have anything, other than this naked body, and it was a loan from God.

What is the imaginary man was not merely a shelter house (house) but also a comfortable home (home). Thus, human have good luck may find that dream home. By chance or windfall that people have been living in the "kingdom" of each.. The house became the inspiration for the early growth of humans throughout the rest of his life.
So because of that, people do not necessarily keep dreaming and fantasizing. That there is a sacred task that must run continuously, which is working. Both worked for human and work to be returned home to God is Rich in his approval, including a house in Paradise. Hopefully, God willing. [ ]