
Childhood, The Gold Imagination

By Syerif Nurhakim

I felt like much longer to be a child. But God gave me the time to browse time. That the world is having more variety and wide range of excitement. Not just playing around in joy narrow and short, but an important search of life.

Living in the minds of children often gave the impression that cheerful, happy, and colorful. Actually, so did the adult mind. Adult mind almost cover all of childhood experiences, excitement and sensations built probably in maturity. Although the level of childish in different adult each person.

This is what makes the writer think; why not maximize the adult nature of boyish positively to something more useful things. If a child has the imagination of gold, then the adults may have the intelligence of a better imagination, or even more intelligent. But how adults smart to build it in a fair and balanced.

This is the task of building the soul, including the writer who always longed for her childhood imagination is always stored carefully in mind. Are like a sophisticated computer that can record and called all the memory stored in the folders of his life.

So, what is needed to store all the childhood memories of it? There are many ways to save it. There was a diary, a photograph, there are toy trinkets of the past, whatever the medium or long as it can provide a sharp memory of our experiences in the past. And a good writer he would write a biography about him or make a long article about what occurred in the head. So every day he was doing, so he was able to remember what had happened in his life.

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