
Writing for Life

by Syerif Nurhakim

Writing a book to open the horizons of thought.
Droplet of science to relieve thirst.
A line of words to remind the forgotten.

Learning and Proceed
What we work hard, if we can not see the results? Process is important and equally important results. Hence work with the maximum. Love the honesty and modesty in word and language processing.

That boredom is always there. Moreover, if we are on the side of injustice. But the struggle is not over just because we crushed one of two problems. Live for today and tomorrow.

Skill in control can be one of the key. The rest is the intelligence to read the environment and opportunity. Not only silent, but also moving forward. Moving fast is not in a hurry. Without much reason to stop wearing learn and try. Do not take refuge from the failure and inferiority. Turn spirit to fight.

Why should Sweating?
If you do not want to sweat better soak in the well. Sweat is healthy. People often go out to work in sweat. And what about writers? Yes could be sweating when he worked in a room without air conditioning.

We do need to sweat. To rid the body of toxins and substances that are not useful. Including the work of our toxins out of laziness that descend this body.

A writer must to sweat to chase deadlines, good writing, and money. Who does not need any money? So when you are asked why you want to write. Say what you want to say your conscience. And maybe one of them to get money. It’s not wrong. Absolutely not wrong.

Writing Short Words
Speak to a brief and clear. Including when you write something. Loss of our long talk, but talk to people who do not understand anything.

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