Showing posts with label Traveling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Traveling. Show all posts


KNOW CHINA FROM THE RIVER: Great Rivers of China, and Agricultural Exotic Heaven

China Region has many rivers, the area of waters that reached more than 1000 square kilometers there are 1500 more fruit. The river is divided into inland rivers and streams outside. River flowing out to sea, the area of waters reaching approximately 64% of the total land area of China. Yangze River, Yellow River, Heilongjiang River, Zhujiang River, Liaohe River, Haihe River and Huaihe River flows eastward into the Pacific Ocean; Yarlung Zangbo River in Tibet, flows to the east and across the border, then poured into the Indian Ocean, the flow is flowing through the canyon Large Yarlung Zangbo River, the largest canyon in the world with a distance of 504.6 kilometers and the depth along the 6009 meters, while in Xinjiang flow Ertix River to the north, across the border and entered the Arctic Ocean. An inland river that flow into inland lakes or absorbed in the desert and coastal salt waters area occupies approximately 36% of the total land area of China.

Largest rivers in China

One of the largest rivers is the number one Yangtze River, entire length of 6300 kilometers, and is the 3 numbers following the great river Nero River in Africa and the Amazon River in South America. Upstream part protruding in the middle of a high mountain valley, buried a rich source of water power. Yangtze River spelled major transportation artery in the waters of China from east to west, superior natural river channels, known as the Golden Water Line. Eve in the middle and downstream Yangtze River is warm and humid, enough rainfall, fertile soil, is an advanced industrial and agricultural region in China.

Yellow River is the second major river in China, the whole length of 5464 kilometers. In the territorial waters of the Yellow River there is a fertile field of livestock and rich in mineral resources, is one of the important places of origin in the history of the ancient civilizations of China.

Several other rivers are:

1. Heilongjiang River is a large river in North China, the whole length of 4350 kilometers, 3101 kilometers of which flow in the territory of China.

2. Zhujiang River is a large river in South China, the whole length of 2214 kilometers.

3. Tarim River in southern Xinjiang is the longest inland river in China, the whole length of 2179 kilometers.

4. In addition to natural river in China, there is a famous artificial river, which is a large canal that leads from south to north. Grand canal was dug from the 5th century AD, starting from Beijing in the north continues to the south in Hangzhou City of Zhejiang Province in eastern China, linking the 5 large water systems namely Haihe River, Yellow River, Huaihe River, Rivers and River Yangtze Qiantangjiang, full length 1801 kilometers, is the artificial river that dug the earliest and longest in the world. The rivers in the country wherever feasible guarded and preserved from destruction and pollution measures. A good river can help improve the fertility of agricultural lands. Come be a part of the rescue environment. (Syerif Nurhakim)


Let’s Go around the World by Aircraft or Your Mind

Who does not want to be rich? Who did not want to live in luxury? Who want living with luxurious facilities and magnificent. Sleeping in a hotel anywhere we like. Get around the world and visited many exotic places around the world. Who would not want a holiday abroad with his pocket money had never been loss to spend. Who would not want to know the various nations and human culture throughout the world? This may be the dream of all people. When it becomes a real desire when we have it all!

Each country must offer a variety of beauty. There are objects favorite attractions, places to eat and restaurants, natural charm, the magic of world history, and so forth. All options may be collected in catalogs travel agency. We were hooked and wanted to go there. We want to feel that entire enjoyable bid.

As time went on we heard would probably have been through it all. We’ve visited the cities in several countries and bring memories. We want to repeat it with your loved ones. We want to take a family vacation, enjoying the beauty of the beach in tropical countries, or rent a villa in Bali. We’ve traveling to Hawaii with our beloved wife. Booking hotels and choose restaurants to start lunch.

You can use a first-class plane and arrived on time. A few select cruise ships that have full facilities and luxury. Hanging out with friends, business relations, and new people are full of inspiration. Or you could choose luxurious aircraft, Air Emirates, Air Etihad, Air Canada, Eurofly, Air Canada, Lufthansa, or up to you. All that can be planned and arranged. So from now you can create your own dream with the money. If you do not have enough money then you can feel it. You can explore all that with your smart mind. Your imagination can beat Turbo Jet engines. Fly with your thoughts. Fly like a bird over a blue sky!