Showing posts with label stomach. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stomach. Show all posts


Tips to Overcoming The Big Belly Woman

Why do many women complain about the state of their stomachs are distended? Even some of them feel self-confidence is reduced because it has a disproportionate belly shape. Especially for those of you who want to restore your confidence, then one solution is to find out how to shrink your stomach. Especially in this article, I want to share tips about how to shrink belly fat in women. Hopefully, the problem of the disproportionate size of the stomach can be resolved.

Here are some tips on how to shrink belly fat in women. As for tips on how to shrink the stomach is divided into seven ways, among which are:

1. Avoid eating in a Hurry
Avoid fast food, because when you swallow too quickly, at least the air suspended in the gut and form a gas that can lead to abdominal distention. Always sit down when eating and chew food slowly. Food is not chewed into small pieces that cannot be digested properly and then make a lot of gas that gives rise to inflation.

2. Supervise the Use of drugs

Expanding belly is the side effects of drug consumption. Aspirin sometimes causes problems that lead to constipation and abdominal distension, including the contraceptive pill.

3. Reducing Salt Intake
Too much salt in your diet adds extra sodium to the mechanism that slows the body's fluids to encourage water out of cells. As a result, the stomach feels full and bloated.

4. Avoid Constipation Problem
Constipation is defined as having fewer than three bowel movements per week or if the tension involved. As a result of adding a large stomach. To stimulate the bowels, increase consumption of fiber from fruits and vegetables, do it gradually to avoid fermentation and excessive gas production.

5. Eating the Right Fiber
Fiber is an important element in the diet, but to compensate for water retention that causes the bubbles, eats fiber in fruits such as apples and pears that have a lot of water content.

6. Drinking Enough Water
If the fullness of the stomach caused by water storage, you can reduce the problem by drinking more water. This will dilute the concentration of sodium in the body thereby increasing the amount of water coming out of the system. Drinking more water also ensures the effective functioning of bile to remove waste products. Do not change water consumption during a diet since many materials that are difficult to digest and can cause abdominal distension.

7. Exercise Regularly
Exercise is one way that must be taken to eliminate the belly fat. Exercise will help move the fluid in the abdomen that can cause major stomach by pushing it out of the network and enter the bloodstream where it will be discharged as sweat or brought to the bile to excrete as urine. This recommended, among other sports aerobics.

8. Control your passions
Do a fast eye and self-control with fasting