
Easy Ways to Make Compost in Your Garden

 Let us manage to reach us wisely. In order for a healthy environment and we can get benefits from compost. in addition to fertilizing plants also a decent income.

Some common misconceptions about composting at home are that it's too complicated, smelly, and it's messy. This is all true if you make compost the wrong way. Composting the right way is a very simple approach: Enough layers of organic matter and a pinch of soil to make a mixture that turns into topsoil (the best soil builder around!). You can then increase your flower garden with compost, dress up on your yard, feed your growing vegetables, and more.
Type of Composting
Before it starts to accumulate, recognize that there are two types of composting: cold and hot. Cold composting is as easy as collecting yard waste or removing organic material in your trash can.

Hot composting is for more serious gardeners but a faster process - you will get compost in one to three months during warm weather. Four composts for hot compost are needed: nitrogen, carbon, air, and water. Together, these items feed microorganisms, which accelerate the decay process.

Vermicompost is made by composting worms. When worms eat the rest of your food, they release castings, which are rich in nitrogen. You can't use any old worms for this - you need redworms (also called "red wigglers"). Worms for composting can be purchased cheaply online or at a garden supplier.

With these simple steps on how to make compost, you will have all the bragging rights about the pro!

What should be composted?

Composting is a great way to use items in your fridge that you don't get, thus eliminating waste. Store containers in your kitchen, such as buckets or jars, to collect your compost material. If you don't want to buy it, you can make homemade compost bins inside or outside the room. Collect these ingredients to start your compost pile correctly:

Leftover fruit
Remaining vegetables
Pieces of grass and plants
Dried leaves
Wood chips and finely cut bark
The newspaper was torn
Wood powder from unprocessed wood

Not only will these items not work well in your garden, but they can also make your compost smell and attract animals and pests. Avoid these items for successful compost piles:

Anything that contains meat, oil, fat or oil
Material of sick plants
Sawdust or debris from wood that is treated with pressure
Dog or cat feces
Weeds that lead to the seeds
Dairy products

Mix Green and Brown Ingredients

To make your own hot compost pile, wait until you have enough ingredients to make a stack of at least 3 feet. You will want to combine your wet, green items with your dry, brown items. Start building your organic compost pile, alternating brown and green items. If your compost pile looks too wet and smelly, add more chocolate items. If you see it very brown and dry, add a green object and the water to be slightly moist.

Flush Your Water Pile

Sprinkle the water on top of the pile regularly so that it has the consistency of a wet sponge. Don't add too much water, otherwise the microorganisms in your pile will be flooded and sink. If this happens, your stack will rot, not compost. Monitor the temperature of your stack with a thermometer to make sure the ingredients are decomposed properly. Or, just reach the center of the stack with your hands. Your compost pile will feel warm.

Stir Your Pile

During the growing season, you must provide a pile with oxygen by turning it once a week with a garden fork. The best time to reverse compost is when the center of the stack feels warm or when the thermometer sounds between 130 and 150 degrees F. Stirring the stack will help him cook faster and prevent the material from becoming tangled and causing odor. At this point, the layers have served their purpose to create the same amount of green and brown material throughout the stack, so stir until smooth. if you do it right you will produce good compost and fertilize your plants.

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