

Story by: Syerif Nurhakim

I need five minutes to get to the office. When I’m done wearing clothes and prepare all the logistics to the office, I prepared to take the helmet of salvation. And suddenly I saw a mound against my helmet. Mound was found a house ant. Do not know why but yesterday at the helm was not nothing. Fast that the ants build their nests. They are a group of tiny ants that are forced to destroy its nest to me. The house is not stuck in place. Or maybe it was my fault that fails to clean the helmet. And of course take a few minutes to clean the helmet until the ants were not left behind in my helmet. I do not want my ears being bitten by it.

I get to work when the sun not too high. However, the heat was very oppressive. Sunlight in February is usually not this hot. Could this be the impact of global warming? Even the ants, too, felt the heat and cover behind my helmet? When I was in the heat of office space still felt. Though the room was equipped with air conditioning. And the light from behind the glass window is very blinding. I have to close it with a veil.

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